And as the seasons change, I've been doing a lot of thinking. I know that I rarely post personal things on here but I feel as if I have to document it. You know, one for the history books. I've been thinking a lot about me and where I want my life to head. Also, about my photography and where I want my business to lead me.
So what I guess I'm trying to say is that I want to document life. Which I suppose you could say I am already doing through my photography, but what I mean by life is that I want to document my life. Everything that surrounds me. Things that happen in my life, even the mediocre day to day things.
And my business? I think this new path I'm on will be able to give me a new out look on how I document other peoples' lives. At their weddings, their babies, and their families. I want to capture their true life, not just big smiles and hugs.
So hopefully this new journey takes me to places that are over the rainbow and inspire me to document life in a whole new way. My life. Your life. All life.
And life definitely wouldn't be complete with out this little guy. Gordo.